Case Study: The Bridge Fellowship Website

Client Name
The Bridge Fellowship
Client Site
Project Type
CMS Based Website
Site Engine
Joomla!® 3.x
Project Goal
To replace the Church's older, more limited website with a modern site that was easy to maintain.
We worked with the client to decide on a base Joomla! template for the site, and then customized to match their branding colors and also the new look of their welcome area in the lobby of the Church. After several meetings with one of their in-house designers we settled on a look for the home page that could easily be updated but that didn't require constant maintenance.
The original plan was to also integrate their church small group database with the website. When their database provider changed how things worked and removed their API, we instead provided a solution using Yootheme's Zoo directory application and built the entire directory into the site. This included an interactive map of all small groups and a contact for for each group.
We also integrated their existing podcast system and also moved them to the free Youtube streaming system for their service webcasts.